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Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKis) have transformed the landscape of dermatological therapy over the last 2 years, with six United States Food and Drug Administration approvals and further clinical trials in progress.1 JAKis have proven highly efficacious in dermatological diseases, by blocking the JAK-signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signalling pathway involved in numerous inflammatory […]

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Honouring Prof. Marcus Maurer

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Published Online: Aug 29th 2024

We are deeply saddened to learn that Prof. Marcus Maurer, a highly esteemed expert who contributed significantly to touchDERMATOLOGY, has been missing for several weeks following a hiking expedition in the mountains. Our hearts and deepest sympathies are with his family and close friends during this difficult time. His guidance, expert insights, and contributions to our platform have been invaluable. We feel privileged to have worked alongside someone whose groundbreaking work has made a significant impact on dermatology and immunology.


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