Prurigo nodularis
Watch Time: 5 mins

Gil Yosipovitch, EADV 2022: LIBERTY-PN-PRIME Study – Dupilumab for the Treatment of Prurigo Nodularis Recent content from our partner site touchIMMUNOLOGY

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Published Online: Oct 11th 2023

LIBERTY-PN PRIME (NCT04183335) was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial, investigating dupilumab for the treatment of prurigo nodularis. touchIMMUNOLOGY caught up with Prof. Gil Yosipovitch (Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA) to discuss the aims, design and eligibility criteria of the phase 3 study and the findings in terms of itch response and skin lesions.

This information is provided solely by Touch Medical Media and is independent of any sponsorship or affiliation with the European Academy of Dermatology Venereology (EADV).

The abstract ‘Dupilumab Significantly Improves Itch and Skin Lesions in Patients with Prurigo Nodularis: Results from a 2nd Phase 3 Trial (LIBERTY-PN PRIME)‘ was presented at EADV 2022, 7-10 September, 2022.


  1. Could you tell us a little about prurigo nodularis and the unmet needs in its treatment? (0:22)
  2. What are the current clinical applications of dupilumab, and what is the rationale for its use in this treatment setting? (1:07)
  3. What were the aims, design and eligibility criteria of the LIBERTY-PN-PRIME study? (1:58)
  4. What were the findings in terms of itch response and skin lesions? (3:16)
  5. What was the safety profile of dupilumab in this indication? (4:16)

Disclosures: Gil Yosipovitch discloses consulting for Sanofi Regeneron, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Sanofi, Kiniksa, Trevi, Escient and Pfizer; receiving grant/ research support from Sanofi Regenron, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, Escient; serving on advisory boards for Sanofi Regeneron, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Sanofi, Kiniksa, Trevi, Escient and Pfizer; receiving honoraria from Sanofi Regeneron, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Sanofi, Kiniksa, Trevi, Escient, Pfizer and Novartis.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Victoria Jones.

Filmed in coverage of the EADV meeting 2022.

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